How to find zerodha support code

What is Zerodha support code or Telephone Code (ZPin)?

Zerodha support code or telephone code, formally known as zpin is a 4 digit code provided by zerodha to its customers. Zerodha support code is used for personal identification for placing orders through Call & Trade desk and for talking to support executives on the phone.

This support code is a code given to the customer at the time of account opening. You can easily find or reset this code at any time by login to the Zerodha Console (back office) or using Zerodha Kite mobile app.

How to Generate Zerodha Support Code (ZPin)?

The support code in Zerodha (formally ZPin) is provided to you at the time of the account opening. However, in case you have forgotten it or want to change it for any reason, you can do it online on the Zerodha Console website or Kite Mobile App.

Steps to Generate Zerodha Support Code through Console

  • Visit Zerodha website
  • Click on 'Console' in the menu link on the top right side.
  • Log in to Console using Kite Login ID
  • Click on your 'Client ID' in top right
  • Click on the 'My Profile' link
  • Check 'Telephone Code' by clicking on the view button or eye sign.
  • Click Reset to change the telephone code.
  • You will see the newly created telephone code.

Steps to get Zerodha Support Code using Kite Mobile

  • Log in to the Zerodha Kite mobile app.
  • Click on your 'Client ID' in the bottom right.
  • On the 'Accounts' page click on your 'Client ID' on top.
  • Click on the 'Detailed Profile' link
  • Check 'Telephone Code' by clicking on the eye sign or view button.
  • Click Reset to change the telephone code.

What is the use of the Zerodha support code?

Zerodha support code or Telephone Code (formally ZPIN) is a 4 digit code used to verify a customer's identity when he calls the customer support or Call & Trade desk. The code is provided at the time of the opening of the account. You could also find the code in Zerodha Console or Zerodha Kite Mobile App.

Zerodha support support code is your personal identification for placing orders through zerodha Call & Trade desk and for raising support queries. 

The support code authenticates your identity and provides your account information to zerodha's support representative, which allows them to provide faster support.

How to find support code or ZPin?

If you don't remember your support code, you can always get it by login into Zerodha Kite Mobile App or Zerodha Console Webpage.

Zerodha support code is required for verifying your identity if you want to talk to Zerodha customer service or place an order on call.

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Find Telephone Code using Zerodha Console Website

To know your Zerodha Zpin on Console, go to the 'My Profile' section under 'My Account'.

Find Telephone Code in Kite Mobile App

To know your Zerodha Telephone Code in Kite mobile app, Click on Profile & then 'Detailed Profile' link. You can see a support code  which is hidden there. Click view. You can find zerodha zpin or support code there.

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Anonymous said…
were are you find support code